WooCommerce Extension Adds Points Coupons Feature

A new update for the WooCommerce extension was released last week, adding a new feature that lets you charge your users points when they use a coupon.

Coupon points settings panel.

We’ve received requests for partial checkout with points, as well as for giving percentage based discounts for points. Both of these are now made possible by this new feature!

For example, you can create a coupon for $20, and have users get charged 2000 points each time that coupon is used. This allows users to pay for part of the order with points, while still paying for the rest of the order via another method.

Since you can also create percentage based coupons, you could also create a coupon that gives 10% off, and costs the user 500 points to use, for example.

The possibilities are really endless, as you can create as many coupons that use this feature as you want, even for different points types!

For more details, checkout the WooCommerce extension’s homepage. Then let us know what features you’d like to see next!

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About J.D. Grimes

J.D. is the creator of WordPoints. In addition to web development, he also enjoys nature photography. The most important thing about him, though, is that Jesus Christ died for him to pay for his sins. He looks forward to meeting Jesus face to face in heaven one day, and he hopes he'll see you there, too.


  1. Olive

    Heyo, so suppose I want to have a reaction that rewards users if and ONLY if they reach a minimum amount of words or characters. How would I go about setting that up?

    • J.D. Grimes

      Hi Olive,

      Great question! This isn’t possible yet, but it is a feature that is planned to come soon, maybe not in version 2.5, but probably in 2.6. If you’d like to vote for this feature and follow its progress, you can do so on our Trello board.

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